Helping children reach their potential through compassionate pediatric therapy care.

At Andwell Health Partners, we partner with families to help children build their abilities and live their lives fully through our occupational, physical, and speech therapy services. 

Occupational Therapy – Empowering Independence and Everyday Living

We often don’t realize the little things in life, like buttoning a shirt or playing with a puzzle, require a special set of skills—skills we learn as we grow. But not everyone finds these ‘simple’ tasks that simple, and that’s okay. That’s where occupational therapy, or OT, comes in. You might think of OT as coaching for everyday life. It’s where your child gets to build their abilities to live fully and joyously, all through the power of play and everyday activities.

Occupational therapy is all about:

  • Personalized Evaluations: We’ll celebrate your child’s strengths and find ways together to support their challenges, sensory integration included.
  • Family-Centric Support: Your family is a big part of this journey; we walk it with you, in our therapy spaces or in the comfort of your home.
  • School-Based Integration: We’ll bring the support right into the classroom, blending care seamlessly with education.
  • Supportive Group Sessions: Sometimes, the best learning happens with friends. We foster social growth through skill-building in a loving group setting.
  • Teamwork and Insight: We believe in teamwork – combining expertise with other therapists and offering guidance that enlightens both staff and you, the amazing families we serve.
  • Community Engagement: We’re in this together, reaching out to the community and connecting with programs like Head Start to provide comprehensive support.

Physical Therapy – Embracing Movement and Independence

Physical therapy (PT) is like choreography for the body, teaching muscles and limbs how to move in harmony. Early on, children may face hurdles in reaching milestones like crawling or walking, but that’s where our nurturing physical therapists come in, encouraging and guiding your child through movement, balance, and play to develop strength, endurance, and the courage to explore their world.

Our PT program focuses on a spectrum of needs:

  • Muscle-Building Exercise: Strengthening those tiny muscles for big adventures.
  • Balance Activities: Finding equilibrium in movement, one step at a time.
  • Gentle Developmental Play: Celebrating every roll, sit-up, and giggle.
  • Intuitive Gait Training: Perfecting your little one’s unique stride.
  • Customized Assessments: Diving deep into motor skills, flexibility, and coordination to keep the dance of life lively and fun.


We want every child to reach their full potential, striving for a full recovery or learning to navigate the world with their distinctive abilities. Our services include in-class support, playful and effective home activities, and an array of adaptive equipment, because no challenge should dim the joy of a child’s life journey.

Speech & Language Therapy – Building Communication Skills Through Connection

Communication is how we connect and tell our story. When our little ones struggle with either understanding others (receptive language) or sharing their own thoughts (expressive language), speech and language therapy is there to help unlock the world of communication. From the building blocks of sound to the nuances of conversation, our speech pathologists are kind-hearted guides on this path of discovery.

Depending on your child’s needs, our care can include:

  • Comprehensive Evaluations: Creating a roadmap tailored to your child’s personality and communication style.
  • Supportive One-on-One Sessions: Charting progress in each word, gesture, and smile.
  • Classroom Collaboration: Amplifying therapy by integrating it into learning and social environments.
  • Group Sessions for Peer Interaction: Growing together through shared experiences and fostering friendships.
  • Community-based Support: Extending our reach to where you need us most, so no child feels left behind.


Through every sound and syllable, we’re here with open arms and attentive ears, paving the way for vibrant conversations and priceless moments of connection, helping every child discover the power of communication.