Butterfly Release offers a uniquely beautiful way to honor and remember our loved ones.

It provides a serene and moving celebration that allows attendees to come together in remembrance.

At this event, participants can enjoy music, savor light refreshments, and connect with others as they share cherished memories. The celebration begins with a touching moment as the names of loved ones, for whom butterflies have been dedicated, are read aloud. The climax of the event is the release of nearly a thousand butterflies, creating a truly spectacular and memorable sight.

The 2024 Butterfly Release event will be held on Saturday, July 13, from 11 am to 1 pm at Geiger Elementary School, where you can once again experience this beautiful and heartwarming celebration.

Order your Butterfly:


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“My children and I were selected as the first-ever people to release butterflies at this event nine years ago after we lost their dad, and my husband, David. We continue to hold a special place for it now, as we did then. After suffering and sadness, the butterfly release represents freedom and hope of better days for us and for the special person we lost. It reminds us of our blessings and makes us feel gratitude for what we have had and for the opportunity to look at life in a new way.” -Tammy Caron, Butterfly Release participant